Help: Data Policy

We use cookies to improve eBadders and offer you personalisd services.
To find out more, read our updated privacy policy and cookie policy.

Your data on eBadders does not share any information about you with any third-party.
Only club owners and organisers have some access to the data you have explicitely provided to them on the site (e.g. tournament or league forms).
Some club organisers will pass some of your information to the relevant badminton organisations (e.g. Badminton England, Middlesex or Hammersmith leagues) when you register with them for the league.

eBadders is not responsible for the misuse of your information by club owners and organisers.
If you have any concern or question please contact a club owner or eBadders.
If we have evidence that an owner has misused your information we reserve the right to remove their club from the site.

You have the right to ask us which data we have about you and request changes or removal.
Please first contact a club organiser for such requests then the eBadders team if they are unable to help.